Dear all,
The Labour Day schedules are as follows,
2023年4月29日(星期日)至5月3日(星期三),放假五天。The holiday is from 29 April (Saturday ) to 3 May (Wednesday).
23 April(Sunday) and 6 May(Saturday ) are regular working day.
Safety Reminders
1. 假期期间,如有特殊情况需离开校区所在城市,请务必提前向辅导员请假,经审批同意后方能离校。
During this holiday, if student has to leave Guangzhou, please apply for leaving permission from your supervisor in advance.
2. 遵守中国法律法规,遵守交通规则,不酗酒,远离毒品。
Abide by the Chinese laws and regulations, abide by traffic rules, avoid alcohol abuse, and stay away from drugs.
3. 不晚归,不单独外出,不与陌生人外出,夜间避免进出酒吧、KTV等娱乐场所。
Do not return late to your residence during night, do not go out alone, do not go out with strangers, avoid going into bars, KTV and other entertainment places at night.
4. 注意财产安全,保管好贵重物品,外出时锁好房门。不携带大量现金和贵重物品外出。
Pay attention to the safety of property, take good care of valuables and lock the door when you go out. Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables with you when going out.
Do not work illegally during holidays. Do not participate in any illegal missionary, pyramid selling or illegal loans.
During the holiday, be obedient to the local laws and social morals, respect the Chinese traditional habits and assume relevant legal obligations,We hope everyone will take this holiday as an opportunity to relax, rejuvenate, and spend quality time with loved ones. Take advantage of the beautiful spring weather and appreciate the blessings of life.
Wish you all a happy Labor Day!
